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Frequently Asked Questions
Everything you need to know about.
Below you’ll find a collection of the most frequent questions and answers from the community of San International Air Lines. Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Send your question our way, and we’ll do our best to provide you with answers ASAP.
When will my job application get reviewed?Check that you submitted through the application centre or Google Forms. Wait for at least 24 hours. Do not bother an HR just to notify him/ her to review your application. ​ Allow us at least a few hours. We are not full-time workers. If you waited for more than 48 hours, contact an HR through our customer service in our Discord server.
What can I do if I failed my job application?You can re-apply if you failed your application. Ensure to not use the same exact answers. Recall what you have typed on your application which was denied and improve it. Ask the employer on what was your mistakes so you can improve. The employer are usually the Head of Department of the job you are applying for.
How do I apply for Captain?Captain is not applicable for passengers and non-employee (not employed by SAL). The Captain job requires one to be in the First Officer rank. Applications will only be released to those in the department. ​ We will not be looking for any potential candidates outside of the team. A very demanding job which has high expectations.
When will San International Air Lines hire people for a particular job?Most often, jobs are closed as demand has been met due to full personnel. Bothering an HR to open up the application for you to be hired is a 'no, no' situation. ​ We will be hiring jobs only when we require more personnel for that particular job.
Does San International Air Lines pay its employees?Yes, San International Air Lines does pay its employees through group funds (robux). However, an employee shall not receive any robux if one is inactive or does not work at any flights. Moreover, being inactive as a staff member without any notice will result in job termination. Those who have been terminated are usually given a second chance only if he or she has improved.
As an employee of San International Air Lines, when will I receive my salary?"You will receive your salary usually around the first day of the new month. A document will be provided for you to confirm as well.
I am looking forward to working as a High Rank. May I be accepted?No, San International Air Lines will not hire High Ranks (HR) externally. On certain occasions, San International Air Lines will hire HRs internally within the Staff Division. Otherwise, most of the offer are through promotions.
Can I apply to be a Developer of San International Air Lines?No, San International Air Lines is and will not hire any developers. It is simply a 'no' answer if you question the Chief Executive Officer himself. There's no reason why we are not accepting any developers.
What should I do if I discovered an unknown bug?If you have discovered a bug when attending our flights, firstly, take a screenshot of the client log by visiting the Developer Console (press F9). With the screenshot, send it to Sicken_L#8429 with a short statement on what is the bug about.
Why am I kicked from the server for low account age?In San International Air Lines, to join any of our flights, one must own an account with date of creation 30 days and over. Otherwise, you are not allowed to be on the flight. None will be exempted from this requirement despite any reason(s).
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